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The 2006 Safari Tasmania took place in the Southern Forests around Geeveston. WICEN provided Results comms and "Zero" car APRS tracking for the event.

Link to Ben VK7HAH pics

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Cold in Them Thar Hills

Looking over Geeveston from Doodys Pic John VK7ZZ

Esperance Finish

The SWAT grunt - just after it's latest overnight motor change over. Pic - Scott VK7FREK

Kermandie Digi Heat 2

APRS digipeater for Heat 2 cover of Bowling Pic VK7ARN

Kermandie Digi

KPC-9612 and PRM-8030 Pic VK7ARN

APRS Field Tracking

Monitoring from the digi site Pic VK7ARN

Zero at Bowling Start

Field Monitoring from Kermandie digipeater - Pic VK7ARN

Top Post Chief

Cooking lunch for the team at Panorama Finish -Pic Steve VK7FAME

Panorama Finish

These guys like it on top of the heap. Check out last years pic at Arve Start

Pic Steve FAME

High Seeing Bird

HSB in his aerie at Edwards Flying Finish - Pic John VK7ZZ

Storm Hill Stop

JGD checks out the form -Pic VK7ZZ

Edwards Stop


Mobile Tower

Says John VK7ZZ "VK7ARN trying out his ''MOBILE TOWER ''. Unfortunately the tower was damaged when entering the BigW car park on the way home. Roger said his MkII fold down version will be ready for the Lighthouse weekend."

Setting Up the Repeater Lift

Cowboy Tom VK7FTAA says leave it to me. I'll rope the critter. Roger VK7ARN hangs on to his tug boat tow rope. John VK7ZZ says something best not repeated. Pic - Scott VK7FREK

On the up and up

R15 on it's way to the top. Don't tell anyone the rope, shackles and box weighed more than the repeater Pic - Ben VK7HAH